Dating Other Super Mario Fans: Why It’s Worth It

Super Mario is an enduring presence in the gaming world. As a result, many people who play games also happen to be Super Mario fans. Some of these gamers are so obsessed with the game that they end up dating other superfans. In the world of dating apps and online forums, it’s not particularly unusual to find partners who share your love of video games. In fact, there are even dating sites that focus exclusively on gamers. If you’re on the lookout for someone who shares your love of gaming, you can learn more about why dating another Super Mario fan has its upsides—as well as its downsides—by reading through these helpful tips!

Knowing what you’re getting into from the start

If you’re dating another Super Mario fan from Ladadate, you’re probably aware of the many similarities you have with your partner. However, you might not be aware of what you’re getting into. Dating another person who shares your passion for something makes it easier to find common ground. You can share more interests together and build a stronger relationship. However, dating someone with a more extreme love for Super Mario can make the relationship less fulfilling. If you’re with someone who is obsessed with the game, you might feel pressured to spend too much time playing Mario-related games.

Knowing what to avoid

If you want to make sure your relationship with a Super Mario fan goes smoothly, there are a few things that you should avoid doing:

  1. First, don’t make any negative comments about the game. For example, you might be tempted to point out problems that you see with the game. However, you should avoid doing so since your partner will likely take these comments as a personal attack.
  2. Moreover, don’t get too involved in fandom arguments. You can find yourself losing track of the point.

The upsides of dating other Super Mario fans

If you’re dating someone who shares your Super Mario fandom, there are a variety of benefits you can enjoy:

  • Your partner will likely understand your level of passion for the game. They’ll understand the importance of getting the latest Mario franchise game and might even be able to give you advice on which games to buy.
  • You’ll have someone to share your experiences with. If your partner also plays Mario-related games, you can indulge in your favorite pastime together. This can be a great way to strengthen your relationship and have fun while doing it!
  • Also, you won’t have to worry about them forgetting important dates. If your partner is as into the Super Mario franchise as you are, they’ll remember important dates related to the game.

The downsides of dating other Super Mario fans

There are also a few downsides to dating another Super Mario fan:

  • If your partner is obsessed with the Super Mario franchise, they might try to impose their passions on you.
  • You will also have to be careful about how you use the franchise to make plans. If you rely too much on the franchise in your relationship, you might find yourself unable to do anything beyond your partner’s comfort level.

How to make the most of your relationship with a Super Mario fan

If you’re dating someone who’s more obsessed with the franchise than you are, don’t feel like you have to play Mario-related games as often as they do. There’s no reason why you can’t indulge in your own favorite games and hobbies while also being in a relationship with a Super Mario fan.

If your partner is pressuring you to be more obsessed with the franchise than you are, you can try to avoid the issue entirely. Don’t feel pressured to share your partner’s level of enthusiasm for the Super Mario franchise. If your partner isn’t as enthusiastic about other things as you are, don’t let this bother you.

Final words

Ultimately, dating as a gamer is much like dating in any other situation. You’ll need to be genuine, open, and honest with your partner—along with being prepared to compromise whenever necessary. You’ll also need to be aware that not everyone shares your love for gaming. Dating another Mario fan can help you talk to someone about your shared passion for gaming—and it can help you make a new friend at the same time.
